The Boy Biggles

The Boy Biggles welcomes you. I see that you have found the Camel Squadron, an aerodrome commited to tales of my bravery and driving eliteness in my trusty crate, CAMEL GB.

Here you will find some cool info on me, my cars, some VB.NET programming tips, hidden blogs, friendly banter, and maybe some really offensive stuff, so keep your eyes peeled and watch out for the Hun in the Sun.

December 2006.Adventure:
This is a blog I kept during my Christmas 2006 visit to Fiji.

Blog from war-torn Fiji.


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Disclaimer: Biggles of the Camel Squadron will not be held responsible for any content found to be offensive or derragatory. Should you need to contact me regarding anything that you are concerned about, use the the coconut wireless frequency 266.

©1999-2008 CamelSquadron.